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Ready for REAL Change?

My work combines the ancient healing & wisdom traditions of Shamanism & Buddhist philosophy with hypnotherapy & the best of Western therapy to provide a powerful medicine for the mind, body & spirit.

  • Awaken the power of your authentic self

  • Transform issues at their core​​.​

  • Gentle, effective tools of body-based mindfulness and guided inner journeys

  • Release destructive patterns, negative beliefs and past trauma.​

  • Establish healthy, mature and constructive ways of being and relating

  • Grow in clarity, personal power, compassion and love. 

*I DO NOT practice as a licensed psychologist. This work is an alternative to Western psychology or talk therapy and is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment. If you are having a medical emergency please call 911 or go the the nearest hospital.

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On-Line Learning & Healing

It is my greated joy and passion to bring this work which has healed and redirected my life to all who need it. With this in mind, I have created my book and guided audio series, plus a variety of online courses to guide and assist you in your own healing transformational process. On your own time and in your own space you can do the deep work we would do in my office or remote 1:1 sessions for a fraction of the cost.


Our work as humans is to evolve into the best version of ourselves. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are part of a larger whole. Our personal growth and evolution benefits everyone in our lives, the planet, and humanity as a whole. This transpersonal work will change you on a soul level. Awareness of our inner world will transform your outer world.

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Healing Trauma

On-Line Course

10 Sessions to bring the wounded parts of ourself out of suffering and into the peace, power and compassion of present time.

"Finding this course was the light I'd been looking for."

Susie Willets

"Beautiful course. It has really helped me connect with the beach where I feel so safe and protected. My inner child is resting here. At first she was shy and scared. Now she is radiating light, strength and happiness."

Aria Bibby

"A very healing and relieving experience. I now feel a deep connection with my inner self and spiritual guides. I will do this course again and again."

Line Meldgaard

Become Your Own Shaman

Digital Course Series

Level 1: Lower World

Learn the Shamanic Journey

Connect with A Primary Element for Empowerment

Discover Your Spirit Guide In Animal Form

Level 2: Upper World

Journey To The Upper World

Find Your Teacher In Human Form

Learn To Merge and Ground

Prepare to Journey on Your Own


Book & Guided Audio Series

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Calling Renee was one of the best decisions I have ever made, one of the greatest gifts I could give myself. Warmth, peace, empathy, deep insight, spirituality and healing with a touch of laughter. I finally trust a therapist and her process 100%. 

MM/ San Francisco

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I recently attended one of Renee's Spiritual Experience Groups. Amazing! I learned SO much about myself and felt so safe, held and connected in this small group. I can't wait for the next session.

Davina/ Tampa, FL

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The work I do with Renee in one session would take months in other therapy I have done. When I finish our sessions, I can actually feel that I have grown or changed.

Jim McGiven/ Oakland, CA

Weekly Podcast

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Snackable teachings on spirituality, psychology & all things personal growth. Renee shares her 30+ years as a recovering addict, therapist and Shamanic healer with depth and humor.  This short, weekly podcast offers a wide range of topics designed to evoke and provoke
your own self development.

Each segment provides practical tips and tools to nudge and nourish your own authentic self. From anxiety and archetypes to death and depossession, Renee delivers moving client stories and her own crazy life experiences
in her raw, no non-nonsense, Boston-style.

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Thank you! You are pure magic and an inspiration. I just found your podcast and I want to express my gratitude and awe for you, your journey and the ripples of wisdom that you share with others.

Sabina Malinalli

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Renee's work has been a precious gift in my life. She has helped me to heal more deeply within myself than I thought was possible. Her compassionate way allows me to discover and find my authentic self and evolve into a new place of inner freedom and personal power.

Jessica A./ London

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I love your podcast! It affects me on such a personal level. I refer to you as my spirit mother, as you are the mother figure I wish that I had. You have given me so much since I started listening to you. Your words resonate deep. Very grateful.

Brianna Rainer


Mentorship in
Spiritual Psikology

A Path of Healing, Service & Empowerment

Mentorship in Spiritual Psi-Kology is a one year intensive program that will supercharge your personal growth as you are challenged to empower your authentic self and heal on ever deepending levels. 

  • Find and follow your own unique path of service in the world. 

  • Learn powerful and practical tools Of Shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism, hypnotherapy and body-centered mindfulness to heal and transform yourself and others on a soul level.

  • Practice with other students with guidance and supervision. 

  • Join a supportive community of amazing healers, guides and seekers.

  • Together we learn to grow and help each other.


To start the path of mentorship you must complete 15 sessions of Spiritual Psi-Kology work with Renee. We must be willing to do our own work first, before we can heal others.

Soul Retrieval,
& Inner
Child Work

In this work all time is present time and all pain can be healed. 

​The goal of soul retrieval and inner child work is wholeness, personal power.  We let go of what no longer serves us. We heal the past to be fully present for our lives today. 

Healing our childhood wounds can radically shift our life experience and dissolve old patterns of fear, self-criticism, self-harm and addiction.


Many of us have experienced soul or power loss from abuse, neglect or self rejection.

In this work energy and power are understood as real things that have form and substance. In this way we can work directly with imbalances of life energy and restore you to health and wholeness physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Negative Energy Clearing & Spirit Release

Negative thoughts, feelings and even disease, can be seen as parasites

that feed on suffering and fear. They deplete our life energy, make us sick, keep us stuck, sabotage our positive efforts and even urge us to violence, self harm and suicide.

Nothing lives in our psychic space without our permission on some level. Usually our unhealthy habits of mind and behavior are rooted in outdated survival skills. Sometimes we unwittingly play host to the pain or negativity or others, even to dead or disembodied spirits.  

Safely clearing negative or spirit energy and releasing defenses and relational patterns that no longer serve us is extremely transformative. 


Intuition & Divination

There are many paths to connect with the larger consciousness system and I find Tarot to be both fun and informative.


The 78 cards in the Tarot deck represent every live circumstance and inner challenge in life. Working with these archetypes or symbols can offer a fresh and deeply intuitive approach to our circumstances. 

Tarot readings are on Zoom. I work with multiple decks in a reading and use my own intuitive skills and intention to bring clarity, insight and affirmation to your own inner knowing.


$250/90 mins  

5  sessions  $1250

10  sessions  $2400
15  sessions  $3500
Sessions & Packages
All sessions are virtual by Zoom, phone or Facetime 

40 minute Discovery Session - $125

90 minute Deep Healing Session - $250

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Your sessions have been so supportive and life changing. I've left the toxic mess behind. I'm living in a new place, cooking food I like, meditating and laugh out loud happy. I'm forever grateful for your gift of getting rid of my past negativity. Thank You!

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Cherry/ Pocatello, ID

I am strong and myself again after nearly losing everything. Renee was a light in my darkest time.

Val/ Pittsburg, PA

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Renee is a wonderful practitioner. I have worked with her for 6 years and I am so grateful for her amazing work. She has done more for me than any of the several other practitioners I have seen put together. I did not see real change in my symptoms until I met Renee. Thanks so much.

Barbara/ Pacifica, CA

About Renee

I'm a Boston-born mentor, hypnotherapist and Shamanic healer who guides people to heal and transform on a soul level. My individual sessions, workshops, groups and mentorship programs in Spiritual Psi-Kology offer a unique blend of neo-Shamanism and Buddhist philosophy with hypnotherapy and body-based mindfulness. 


I bring my 30+ years of experience as a recovering addict and ex-crazy person to my weekly podcast, sharing snackable teachings on spirituality, psychology and all things personal growth.

All of the work I do with clients, I have experienced in my own therapy and personal growth work. I consider myself a mentor, guide and navigator for your own soul's journey. I DO NOT practice as a licensed psychologist or counselor.


 I have a Masters degree in Transpersonal Psychology and am a certified clinical hypotherapist. For 14 years I studied DepthHypnosis, Shamanism and Energy Work with Dr. Isa Gucciardi and have been a student of Lifespan Integration, Hakomi Method and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and healing methods.


Through my own inner work and practice, I have come to believe that spiritual and intuitive methods of healing are more effective and transformative than the more intellectually and physically based approach of Western psychology. The work of Spiritual Psi-Kology is intended as an alternative and a compliment to Western psychology and many find this work to be a great addition to traditional talk therapy, psychology and psychiatry.


My book, workbook and guided audio series Allies & Demons: Working With Spirit For Power And Healing is available on Amazon and Audible. Allies and Demons guides you through the 15 basic inner journeys of Spiritual Psi-Kology. This powerful book is filled with inspiring client stories, soul level wisdom, and my personal journey of healing and empowerment.


I know the extremes of success and failure. From bankruptcy to grad school, from divorce and homelessness to motherhood and art teacher, from addict and alcoholic to lead of Women's March 2017, I bring the wisdom gained from my many life experiences to my students and clients world-wide.

My passion is to bring this work that has healed and transformed my life to all who need it. My free content includes a weekly podcast, healing workshops on Insight Timer and content on Youtube. My year-long Mentorship Program trains therapists, counselors and healers in the grounded and practical tools of Spiritual Psi-Kology. I also offer Healthy Healer Workshops offering tools for healthy boundaries, energy medicine and spiritual connection for other practitioners.

Check out my artwork here.


I'm inspired by color, nature, spirit and the transpersonal realms that are ever present in my life and work. I pour paint, rather than brush it on. High gloss acrylic house paint is my favorite. I love to allow the poured paint to have it's own personality and agenda in my work and to add glass, beads, yarn, stone and other found objects into my paint and wire sculpture

because life is a multi-media, collaborative conversation, and so is art.

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